Reading at Gwinear
Reading is a school priority at Gwinear and we recognise that learning to read is an essential skill. We are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers.
Children have the daily opportunity to read quietly independently or 1:1 with an adult. Children from KS2 also ‘buddy read’ with KS1 children, sharing books together boosts children’s confidence and instils a love of reading.
Gwinear Loves Reading!
Staff and children at our school are passionate about reading. Teachers regularly read a class book to the children. It's a really important part of our day and children and adults are really enthusiastic about reading time.
Reading at Home
Throughout the school we ask that each child reads at home every day. This could be independently or with an adult. We believe this is the most important homework children can do, and we encourage children to see this as something enjoyable. Reading for pleasure allows children to dream, imagine and question. For children that aren’t able to read at home we have lots of brilliant adult volunteers in school who love sharing books with children and hearing them read.
Our Library
We are lucky to have an incredible inspiring library space, themed around children's books. Each class uses the library regularly to hear their favourite stories and to choose a book to take home. You would be very welcome to come in and visit our lovely library and choose a book to take home and read with your child.
Early Reading
Read Write Inc
Our children learn phonics starting in Poldhu class. Throughout EYFS and in KS1 we follow the Read Write Inc phonics and reading programme. The children are assessed and grouped according to how secure they are on each set of sounds. They then have daily phonics and reading lessons. Regular assessments will ensure all children are challenged appropriately.
All staff have been trained in Read Write Inc phonics and the clarity of the scheme allows teachers and support staff to deliver consistently strong phonics lessons.
As well as learning the sounds, lively Storybooks are closely matched to the children's increasing knowledge of phonics and, as children re-read the stories, their fluency increases.
Parents follow this link for more infomation about our new phonics scheme:
Our least confident readers, throughout the school, receive regular additional support. Read, Write, Inc. trained support staff are deployed as intervention tutors to ensure that the right support is available to all.
Reading in KS2
Children in KS2 have guided reading sessions with VIPERS being applied as the main structure for questions.
In our lessons we enjoy looking at a wide diet of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and songs and using the VIPERS skills to discuss them in class.
Progress in children’s reading is monitored closely by teachers and targeted intervention is put into place for those not making the expected progress.
Thank you for all your support at home with reading!
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