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Welcome To Our New Website!
Gwinear Community Primary School

Gwinear Guardians

Eight KS2 children are selected every term to act as Guardians in the playground.  Their job is to help everyone get on and help others if they are feeling down.  Two friendship benches are used for children with problems to talk to a Gwinear Guardian if their break or lunchtime is not going well.  They also lookout for children being kind to each other throughout the week and in Celebration Assembly on Friday they present the children they have chosen with kindness awards.  We have been inspired by the story of Wonder and revisit the book in assemblies during one of our PSHE/SMSC themes called Be The Best Me.  In the words of August's teacher Mr Pullman: When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.
Meet our Gwinear Guardians