Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Gwinear Community Primary School

Child Protection & Safeguarding Information

Below you will find lots of information on various agencies and websites that you may find helpful as well as our own school policy. 
Below is a link to a Safer Internet web address which gives access to free software for parental controls for mobile phones, laptops, ipads and other electronic devices.
 Early Help Hub

Children’s community health and social care services

What is Early Help?
Early Help includes help provided in both early childhood and early in the development of a problem. Early Help is available to children and young people of all ages from pre-birth up to the age of 18, and up to the age of 25 where young people have special educational needs or disability.

Vision for Early Help
Early Help in Cornwall aims to ensure that services to support children, young people and their parents are there when they need them. Early Help is about identifying problems at an early stage and providing purposeful and effective help as soon as possible once they have been identified, working with families to solve those problems before they get worse.



If you are concerned about a child's safety please contact the Multi Agency referral Unit (MARU) on 0300 123 1116.
The link below gives further information.
 You can find expert information to help children and young people stay safe online at

SelfieCop is an app that protects children and teens from the dangers of sexting and selfies

SelfiecopSelfieCop works by emailing parents a copy of every photo or video taken on their child's smartphone or tablet. This includes photos and videos captured by popular social networking apps, such as:

  • SnapChat
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

SelfieCop deters unsafe behaviour by making children STOP & THINK... "Do I really want my Mum & Dad to see me like this?!"

How SelfieCop works

  • Step 1: Download & install SelfieCop onto your child's phone or tablet.
  • Step 2: Enter an email address to which copies of images will be sent.
  • Step 3: Lock the app with a password (so the child cannot disable it).

That's it! From then on, the parent will be emailed a copy of photo or video taken on their child's smartphone or tablet.

One last thing - you must always tell your child that SelfieCop is installed. The aim is not to spy on them, but to teach them to stay safe.

SelfieCop can only deter unsafe behaviour if children know it is installed. SelfieCop is not SpyWare.

For further information, visit the SelfieCop website.

Below there are lots of links to take you to information you may find useful.
https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ - Common Sense Media improves the lives of children and families by providing independent reviews, age ratings and other information about all types of media.
BLAST The BLAST Project is the UK's leading male only sexual exploitation service dedicated to tackling the grooming and sexual exploitation of boys and young men.

website: http://www.mesmac.co.uk/projects/blast/for-professionals/resources


Alright Charlie Primary Child Sexual Exploitation Primary school resource

Published by Yorkshire Mesmac on Mar 31, 2016

This resource is designed for use with children aged 9-11 in primary schools and aims to highlight the warning signs of grooming in an age appropriate way. The film is seen through the eyes of Charlie who is groomed by Danny. The resource was designed in consultation with CSE professionals, primary schools teachers and children in years 5 and 6 in primary schools. The resource is accessible to girls AND boys with the viewer never discovering Charlie's gender.


To view the video, click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGEgn767XAk


Share Aware

Share Aware, from NSPCC and O2, gives parents all the tools they need to have regular and informed conversations with their child about staying safe online. Under 20% of parents discuss online safety regularly with their children but we want to get every family talking about their child’s life online, just as they would their day at school.

Parents can sign up to the Icebreaker email series and become an expert in their child’s online world in 6 weeks, follow our four simple steps to keeping kids safe online, watch our film ‘Safety advice from a 10 year old’ or visit Net Aware – our guide to your child’s social networks, apps and games.

The internet is a great place for kids to be, being Share Aware makes it safer.

Just like in real life, kids need our help to stay safe online. Teach your child to be #ShareAware with @NSPCC and @O2 https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/share-aware/