DANGER! A herd of wild animals have rampaged through Kynance Class, overturning tables, leaving footprints on the floor and much worse! Kynance Class have undertaken to study these Amazing Animals and find out all they can about the culprits.
Their scientific study will lead them to investigate how and where animals live, their food sources and predators. As ever, we are committed to a sustainable future for the children in our school and our topic work will include a historical study of reasons for animal endangerment and extinction, drawing on these to learn lessons for the future. We will be consistently working towards our outcome - a pop up shop, selling our screen printed t-shirts, clay models and hand puppets all inspired by our trip to Newquay Zoo. All proceeds raised to be donated to conservation projects at Newquay and Paignton Zoo. Through art, we will study the textures and patterns of animal skins and learn how these help them survive in their habitat. We will use printing, and clay modelling to replicate these textures. In English, we will address the ethical issues of taming wild animals or even humans, through our study of the book 'Wild' by Gillian Hughes. Our topic in PSHE, 'Be The Best You'Â reinforces our need to invest in our future, caring for our environment and the life within it.