Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Gwinear Community Primary School


Hello and a very warm welcome from Godrevy class and the class team: Mr Keating, Mrs Skeggs, Mrs Jones and occasionally Mrs Quick!

We welcome you to the spring term and our brand new topic!

Godrevy has its time machine at the ready as our latest topic takes us on a journey back through time to the Ancient Greeks and Romans. To immerse ourselves in this topic from the outset, students will be able to stretch their creative wings as they construct their own Ancient Greek theatre masks and Greek salads. In history our Godrevians will have the opportunity to explore key events such as the creation of the Olympics, the dramatization of Greek mythology and the brutal battles that eventually lead to its downfall. Following on from this we will link our Roman-related learning to natural disasters and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. If all of this doesn't already provide us with a mountain of opportunities for hands on learning, Godrevy will be tasked with crafting the finest swords and shields as they learn the famed military techniques of the fearsome Roman Empire before putting them into practice for their very own performance.

This topic will enable Godrevy to engage in a considerable amount of outdoor learning, whether they are acting out Greek plays with their handmade masks, or building their own labyrinths on Godrevy beach to imitate the story of the minotaur, or even recreating their own ancient Olympic games.  

With regard to mathematics, we adhere to the mastery approach where students are taught to develop the power of reasoning and problem-solving. On top of this, we aim to develop the English language of all students, encouraging a greater depth of vocabulary, and improved ability to write in an effective and relevant manner. Furthermore, we strive to ensure that all students are exposed to a wide variety of literature so they can enjoy the wonder and excitement that a book can bring to life inside our minds. We understand that promoting fluency and critical thinking in both English and mathematics will provide students with the confidence that will help enable them to fully engage with the world around them and will help remove barriers to success. 

At Gwinear we pride ourselves in our commitment to learning outdoors, both in our own extensive and beautiful school grounds or in any of our outdoor learning spaces; Crenver Grove, Godrevy Beach or Gwithian Nature Reserve.

When in Rome - Medium Term Plan